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Fillers Preparation

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Undergoing an injectable treatment can be exciting. But for someone who doesn’t know what to expect, it can also inspire some anxiety. Keep your anxiety at bay by following these tips before coming in for your treatment.

1 week- 3 days before the appointment:

  • NO Anti-inflammatory medications such as Nurofen, Advil or Aspirin. If you need pain killers, please substitute with Paracetamol medication. Anti-inflammatory medication thins your blood and therefore, causes heavy bleeding and bruisings.

  • NO Alcohol consumption 2 days before the appointment. Alcohol causes blood to thin and more bleeding/bruisings can be consequently expected.

  • Optional: to reduce swelling and bruisings post injections, we recommend taking Arnica tablets before the appointment. This is a herbal supplements that you can purchase at any chemist. You can start taking these tablets 1 week or 3 days prior to the appointment

The day of the appointment:

  • NO caffeine right before the appointment. Caffeine can increase blood pressure and cause more bleeding/bruisings. You can have caffeine 3 hours prior to the appointment time.

  • NO exercising right before the appointment. Exercising can increase blood pressure, and cause more bleeding/bruisings. You can exercise 3 hours prior to the appointment time.

  • Please have a good meal before your appointment as empty/hungry stomach can cause dizziness and lightheadedness during injections.

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